Changing instance type (flavor)


Changing the instance flavor will result in the instance being rebooted. This is necessary in order for the virtual machine to see the new resources.


When changing the instance type from the minimum configuration to a more powerful one, check first that sufficient free resources are available.

For example, if the instance parameters must be changed (i.e. increase/reduce amount of vCPU and/or RAM), the following actions should be taken:

  1. On the left-hand side of the dashboard, in the main dashboard menu, select the item ‘Computing Resources’ - ‘Instances’.

  2. A list now opens on the right-hand side of the display showing all the instances included in the project. Before you change the instance type, bear in mind that the instance will be rebooted during this procedure.

    On the right-hand side, go to the additional properties of the instance and select the item ‘Change instance size’. Note: the Size column indicates the current type of the instance; you should select this and set the new configuration.

  3. A window opens showing a list of the available instance types. Select the required type, in this case, SIM-C2R4. When any of the types is selected, its primary parameters are all displayed to the right. Finally, click the ‘Change Instance Type‘ button.

  4. The process of changing the parameters of the instance is initiated. The Status column now displays the message ‘Change of type/Migration’, and the Task column displays an animated window with relevant updates on the status of the process.

  5. In the final stage, the system will ask for confirmation of the change of the pricing plan. Confirm (or abort) this action.

  6. Once it is confirmed, the size of the instance will be changed to the new size and the status of the instance will be ‘Active’.

  7. Now the new parameters of the instance can be checked directly from the operating system itself in order to be certain that the new parameters have been activated.


Changing the size of an instance will only change the number of cores and amount of storage.
All other settings related to the cloud-based project - the network interfaces, their MAC and IP addresses and their matching to one another, remain as before.